Small Groups

What is a Small Group?

Holy Spirit strives to be a parish where everyone has the opportunity to live out their faith with others. One of the ways we do this is through Small Group Ministry. A small group is a group of 5–10 individuals who live out their faith together. They regularly meet throughout the year in a small group member’s home or at the parish. Small groups incorporate the word of God, fellowship, spiritual growth, and prayer.

  • The Word of God is uniquely powerful to speak to everyone, from a non-believer to the most mature disciples because it is living and effective.

  • Fellowship is in simple terms friendship; it's celebrating the joys of life together, as well as, supporting each other in the difficult times. But more than that, it's friendship that is grounded in a common pursuit of God and spiritual growth.

  • Spiritual Growth implies not only having meaningful discussions, but resolving to change and to apply the truth that was sought together to daily life.

  • Prayer is crucial to relationship with Christ, so we take time to pray with and for one another.

Why Small Groups?

Small groups help us grow closer as a parish family through a number of ways.

  • Small Groups foster a more welcoming environment for parishioners who are not super connected, who are new parishioners, and those who are curious about joining the church.

  • Smalls groups enhance the experience of other parish and school activities. By strengthening personal connections and friendship, people will desire to be more involved in the many aspects of our parish life: liturgical ministry, church and school groups, outreach, etc.

  • It is easy to keep our conversations with friends on the surface, but it can be hard and awkward to talk about our faith. Small groups create opportunities for people to go deeper in their faith and relationships with each other, while creating an environment of non-judgment where people are accepted wherever they are at in their lives and faith journey.

What to Expect

Regular 1.5-hour meetings, with an emphasis on prayer and authentic, community-building encounters with Christ.

Find a Group

Find a group that suits you and your schedule!


Email our small groups.