Men’s Club


Holy Spirit Men's Club promotes the spiritual well-being, activities, fellowship, goodwill, harmony and social functions for members of Holy Spirit parish. All men of the parish, ages 18 and older, are welcome and encouraged to attend. Food and refreshments are served. Are you new to the parish? The Men's Club is a great way to meet other members and get involved in our community!

To support our ongoing activities, the parish asks for dues ($15) to be paid on an annual basis.


Bags Tournament

All men of the parish are invited to our bags tournament on Wednesday, Feb. 5 in Howley Hall. There is no fee for this event. Please RSVP so we know how much food to get! We’ll have social time at 6:30 p.m. with a short meeting followed by the bags tournament at 7 p.m.

Blood Drive

We are hosting a blood drive on Saturday, Feb. 15 from 8 a.m.–1 p.m. in the School Commons.

Like a snowflake, everyone's reason for giving blood is unique. No matter your reason, you create hope for patients in need of blood. Your gift provides life-saving blood for trauma, cancer, and transplant patients and many more. Register to donate in one of these ways:

  • Online at; enter sponsor code COHS

  • Call 800-RED-CROS (800-733-2767)

  • Sign up at the back of church Jan. 25–26, Feb. 1–2, or Feb. 8–9

We need volunteers! You can help at the drive or make tasty treats for the donors and staff. If interested, email Chris Lyons.

Summer Softball

Each year, Men's Club sponsors teams in the Saint Paul-area parish slow pitch softball league. Teams play every Wednesday night from May until early August. After games, Holy Spirit players and their families gather for food and fellowship. There’s a league/party fee, which, once you divide it across a dozen weeks, is a pretty good bargain for Holy Spirit men and their families.

Praying the Rosary

A group of Men's Club members prays the rosary while walking around the church on Fridays at 6:30 a.m. Please join us if you are able!

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