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Communion to the Homebound
“It is…fitting that all baptized Christians share in [the] ministry of mutual charity within the Body of Christ by doing all that they can to help the sick return to health, by showing love for the sick, and by celebrating the sacraments with them.”
- General Introduction, Pastoral Care for the Sick, 1983
If you are homebound due to illness, injury, or some other difficulty, or know any parishioner who is, our team of ministers to the homebound would love to pray with you, bring you Communion, and aid you in your time of need. As trained and commissioned ministers to the homebound, we are happy to help you:
Receive Communion on a one-time or regular basis
Pray for you and your needs
Let the wider Holy Spirit community know when you require additional assistance (Confession, Anointing of the Sick, etc.)
To learn more or set up an appointment, contact Deacon John Rogers by email or at (651) 366-0908.