Annual Mission Appeal

On July 27–28, we will have our annual mission appeal. This year we will be hosting Mother Maria Compassionis, a missionary sister, who is currently serving in the Philippines. Read more about her religious order below.

The Servants of the Lord and the Virgin of Matará ( or, a missionary Institute of religious sisters, are happy to be given the opportunity to speak at Holy Spirit for the mission appeal. From our beginnings in San Rafael, Argentina in 1988, we have grown to about 1,700 sisters in 45 countries. We strive to go where the presence of religious sisters is most needed. Although we are an international community, we have been blessed with over 100 vocations from the United States. This appeal allows us to inform the members of your parish about our mission work in the Philippines. As you may imagine, our missions in places like the Philippines are in great need of support. The sisters work with children and families in human and religious development, specifically providing medical care, educating in hygiene, managing a large feeding program, and teaching catechism. As you may know, the Philippines is not economically stable. For this reason, missionaries do not receive much help from the local people who very often themselves lack basic necessities. Thank you, Fr. Nathan, for giving us this opportunity to speak at Holy Spirit and share with you about our mission in the Philippines. As we strive daily to help those in need, we are most grateful to all of you for your prayers, contributions, and generosity, truly a grace from God and a consolation for our missionary sisters. Please be assured of our prayers for all of you as well!


Is This Your Call?


Introducing: Jim Campbell