Welcome Back

Dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ,


With a rise in the percentage of the population vaccinated, COVID-19 cases are decreasing. We are starting to see the light at the end of the pandemic tunnel! For these reasons and more, Governor Walz announced Executive Order 21:21: social distancing will no longer be mandated indoors beginning Friday, May 28—meaning that parishes may open at full capacity at this time. The Church of the Holy Spirit stands ready and eager to welcome back all the faithful for in-person worship.*

As Catholics, while each of our circumstances has been unique, we’ve each had to go without fellowship and without the Holy Eucharist. Perhaps these absences have blessed us all with time to reflect upon the joy that comes from fellowship and the life that comes from the Eucharist. A joy to which we are all invited to return as the pandemic subsides.

We are created for Communion. That is, we are created for communion with each other. We are also created for Holy Communion, “the source and summit of the Christian Life” (CCC 1324).

We are created for fellowship. Just as the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit have a living union, so are we created to reflect their union in our relationships with others. It is through our relational nature that we recognize our vocations and grow in love and holiness.

We are created for the Eucharist. While livestreaming, watching Mass on TV, and listening to it on the radio have been suitable ways to celebrate the Lord’s Day when we could not come together in person, they lack one key piece: Jesus Himself. During the holy sacrifice of the Mass, Jesus Christ becomes truly present in the Eucharist. The bread and wine are not simply signs that lead us to Christ, but completely transform into the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist.

We have missed you and hope to see you at an upcoming Mass!

Our Mass schedule as of May 21:

  • Friday 7:30 a.m. (the Sunday liturgy is celebrated and recorded for YouTube. This will continue while the dispensation remains in place**)

  • Saturday 4:30 p.m. (Confessions at 3 p.m. in the church beginning May 29)

  • Sunday 8:30 & 10:30 a.m.

Our ministry staff has taken great care to ensure safety protocols are followed by staff and Mass-goers alike. We want to take this opportunity to wholeheartedly thank Father Haugan, Nadine Friederichs, and Dr. Adrian for their unceasing diligence during the past 15 months. They have responded effectively to the changing safety protocols issued by civil and health officials and the Archdiocese. They have ensured that the parish has been a safe environment for all employees day in and day out. Outside the period of the government-ordered shut down, they have continued to operate the parish offices, celebrate Mass, and educate hundreds of children. They learned about the financial assistance offered by the federal and state governments, managed the application process for funding and successfully secured hundreds of thousands of dollars to maintain the church and school budgets. Most of all, they have continued to be dedicated, forward-looking leaders, managing changes for the coming year as we return to familiar, yet safer interactions.

The four of us have done our best to support the efforts of staff and parish leaders during the past year, but it is the prayer support of Holy Spirit parishioners that has made the real difference! Your presence at Mass, when it was possible, was the highlight of their day. There was joy in knowing that you participated in streaming Masses and stayed in touch through the website. Your generous response to Father’s appeal for financial support has allowed the parish to remain financially viable for full-time operations. You have remained in solidarity in the face of every change, disappointment, and challenge the parish faced. For these things and for all you do for Holy Spirit parish, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

As we prepare to celebrate our parish feast day, Pentecost, we look forward to joining together as a parish community. May the Holy Spirit continue to enkindle your heart with the love of our Lord, Jesus Christ, and each other.


John Barrett, trustee

Jeanne Buckeye, trustee

Jennifer Barrett, chair, Finance Council

Michael Lane, chair, Pastoral Council

* As of the writing of this letter masks are still required indoors for all ages five and over, and recommended for those ages two and over, due to the City of Saint Paul ordinance.

** The bishops of Minnesota have yet to set the date on which this will be lifted. It’s important to note that, even after the Sunday obligation returns, legitimate reasons remain why one may not be able to attend Mass, such as personal illness or serving as a caretaker of another.