Family Formation:
Commonly Asked Questions
Keep the Fire Burning meets on the second Sunday of the month from 9:30–10:45 a.m.
Our 2024–2025 meeting dates are: Oct. 13, Nov. 10, Dec. 8, Jan. 12, Feb. 9, Mar. 9, Apr. 13, and May 11.
Between Mass and our session, we will enjoy a bit of hospitality together! Be sure to plan to attend 8:30 a.m. Mass (or Saturday at 4:30 p.m.) on KTFB Sundays.
Yes! Parishes rely on the generosity and stewardship giving of the parishioners in the community. We strive to be good stewards.
The faith formation fee of $50 per child helps offset expenses for materials and resources.
The biggest challenge to families is simply finding the time to do Family Formation each week.
One parent said, “[Thankfully] Family Formation forces the conversation of faith in the family!”
Family Formation assists parents as the primary educators of their children.
As a parent, you do not have to be expert in the Faith to use Family Formation.
Each lesson is written at an elementary school level and is easily understood by everyone.
By spending a small amount of time reading over the materials, parents can become familiar with the lesson.
The blessings of Family Formation come as families learn about the beauty of the Catholic faith together.
Many parents have testified that through Family Formation (home and parish gatherings) they have come to learn and understand the Catholic faith for the first time.
Family Formation incorporates sacramental preparation. There are additional Family Formation materials for those with children who are excitedly preparing to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion for the first time.
Each family with a Sacramental candidate receives a Family Formation workbook containing a weekly 15-minute home lesson. Families love this resource!
It is during the fall that students prepare to receive their First Reconciliation and, after receiving that Sacrament, they prepare to receive their First Holy Communion in the spring.
In addition, our Sacramental preparation program includes a parent/child kickoff information gathering in October and a parent/child morning retreat for both sacraments.
Absolutely! All parents are given the graces necessary to pass on their faith and to lead their children to our Heavenly Father.
The clear, simple explanations of the Faith as presented in the Family Formation lessons are a great way for a non-Catholic parent to learn about Catholicism and to have their questions answered.
Our families come in various shapes and sizes. Family Formation works well in every family!
Each home lesson offers parents a great deal of flexibility and a variety of activities. This allows parents, who are the best judges of their child’s needs, skills, and attention span, to tailor lessons for their family.
We encourage parents to challenge, but not overwhelm their children. With younger children it is recommended that you approach topics at a basic level as they will be covered again the next time through in the 3-year cycle.
While designed primarily for use with students in K–6, many families bring all their children together (including preschool & high school). There are many benefits to having your entire family grow in faith together!